
Impact Dakota Blog is a blog dedicated to supporting North Dakota’s manufacturing community improve People, Purpose, Processes and Performance. Entries provide information on opportunities, new ideas, quick tips, celebrations of success, and well, frankly, anything to help you become a better manufacturer.

March 11, 2019

Technology Workshops and Lab Experiences to be held across North DakotaNorth Dakota manufacturers are asking for Digital Manufacturing & Design Risk Solutions. Impact Dakota is answering your call!

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March 7, 2019

Smaller Manufacturers Get Lean with Artificial IntelligenceHow are small and medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs), who typically do not have the time or capital it would take to test emerging technologies, supposed to evaluate how artificial intelligence could impact their organization — and play a role in preparing them for Industry 4.0?

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February 26, 2019

Working and Growing with Collaborative RobotsRobots have been a part of industry longer than you might think. The patent for the first industrial robot, Unimate, was granted in 1961.

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February 13, 2019

5 Manufacturing Technology Trends to Watch in 2019New technologies and innovations continue to create manufacturing jobs.

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February 1, 2019

Truth and Trends in Employee TurnoverThere are a number of factors why people leave their jobs. The top reason may surprise you.

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January 11, 2019

Industrial Revolution 4.0 is here!Industrial Revolution 4.0 is here! Is your manufacturing business ready for the technical challenges and new risks associated with it?

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December 20, 2018

Understanding Manufacturer’s Challenges Entering the New YearUnderstanding the business and economic factors that influence companies helps the Network remain flexible in responding to the problems clients are facing.

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December 19, 2018

NIST Summer Internship Program Makes It Easier for Students to ApplyThe U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has made it more straightforward for students to apply to the agency’s prestigious Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program.

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December 14, 2018

As Pentagon Demands Cybersecurity, Industry Group Offers New Standards: AIAAs the DoD prepares to make cyber security a key pillar for what it buys -- and from whom -- a defense and aerospace trade group unveils a new standard that will allow companies, and the government, to see how secure contractors really are.

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December 12, 2018

The Revolution Will Be Driverless: Autonomous Cars Usher In Big ChangesImagine driving alone in your car, but instead of sitting behind the wheel, you're dozing in the backseat as a computer navigates on your behalf. It sounds wild, but former New York City traffic commissioner Sam Schwartz says that scenario isn't so far off the mark.

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