Supply Chain Optimization and Intelligence Network








Open Opportunities
Intake Form
SCOIN Informational Webinar




Impact Dakota has expanded and launched the Supply Chain Optimization and Intelligence Network (SCOIN). This exciting new program is designed to build robust supply chain opportunities for North Dakota manufacturers by understanding the strengths of our North Dakota manufacturers and connecting them with other manufacturers across the state and nation as possible new customers, or suppliers that they may be looking for.
SCOIN is offered at no cost to you. 



What's in it for me?

1. Your participation with the Impact Dakota SCOIN program will enable your company to find value-added manufacturing opportunities of which you may have been unaware.             4. The overarching plan of SCOIN, is to create a national network of all fifty states and Puerto Rico to quickly identify potential suppliers to fill the needs of manufacturers across the nation.
2. Our mission is to create relationships with manufacturers across the state to identify capabilities and expertise. These strengths will be rolled into our North Dakota manufacturing network to assist companies who are looking for customers and suppliers.             5. As a manufacturer, you many need to source certain products or services, but are not able to find the resources you are looking for. By filling out a request through Impact Dakota, we can assist in finding the supplier or suppliers that you need.
3. Impact Dakota is investing in your company by providing these solutions with the sincere desire to find ways to make North Dakota manufacturers grow and be more profitable and sustainable for the long term.             6. In addition, manufacturers that provide us information on their capabilities and capacities become part of a network of manufacturers that can be identified to meet new potential customers and fulfill their needs.
















Consider the possibilities this can create! 

We believe that these new relationships will form strong partnerships throughout the United States. Impact Dakota will be reaching out to manufacturers across the state to provide them the opportunity to participate in this program. It only takes a small amount of time to collect the information from your company.

If you are interested now, please reach out and we will get you started on the right path. Contact Gordon at or 701-425-8106.