
Lean Enterprise High Performance Manufacturing Training

03/04/2025  9:00 AM -  04/08/2025  4:00 PM  Fargo, ND

Click here to register


Impact Dakota is in the process of recruiting for a new round of Lean Enterprise High Performance Manufacturing (LEHPM) training which starts on March 4, 2025* in Fargo, ND. (Wingate - 4429 19th Ave SW)

The Impact Dakota LEHPM training helps businesses achieve higher profitability by building internal capability and capacity to improve QUALITY, COST, and DELIVERY.  This training is based on the Lean Enterprise Certification (LECP) body of knowledge and uses standards developed and judged by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) in partnership with Association for Manufacturing Excellence (AME) and the Shingo Institute.  

For more information about LEHPM, click here to visit the LEHPM webpage


  • The Flyer provides some information about the LEHPM training. 
  • The Commitment Form provides additional information about pricing, registration, and training schedule and topics.

Registration Options:
1. Click on the registration button above.
2. Contact Darcy at 701-354-0979. 
3. Print and return the Commitment Form. 

Please contact the training instructor, Wendy Hauff to learn more about the LEHPM and other trainings and how they can help your organization, 701-425-4036. 

*Course will be held pending sufficient participation.

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