
Meet and Greet Informational Session

09/24/2024  11:30 AM -  09/24/2024  1:30 PM  NDSU Research & Technology Park - Fargo, ND

Registration is closed for this event.





If you're developing or exploring solutions in advanced manufacturing, workforce, supply chain, and other critical areas; we'd love to collaborate with you. 

Please join us for lunch and a meet and greet and information session at the NDSU Research & Technology Park - Technology Incubator. During this event, you will hear from Impact Dakota and the NDSU RTP on exciting initiatives and benefits of these services.

You'll walk away with new information that is creating significant positive impacts creating and retaining workforce and sales, reducing costs and driving new productivity investments, and creating resilient supply chain solutions and options. 


DATE: September 24, 2024

TIME: 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

LOCATION: NDSU Research & Technology Park, 1854 NDSU Research Circle N, Fargo, ND 58102

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Current tenants at the Industrial Park, former tenants, companies in the Fargo-Moorhead area with a focus on new start-ups, or small- to medium-sized companies. 

COST: There is no cost to attend, but we ask that you RSVP so we have an accurate meal count. 


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