LEHPM_July 2023 Post Page


You will be billed on the first day of the training.


Please indicate which participants will be taking the exam with an (*).


Please describe any dietary restrictions; include participant name and specific restriction.


ENROLLMENT OPTIONS: (please select from list)
Open-Session With Exam - This option includes participants from multiple companies. Total cost per participant is $2,145 which includes training manual, required books and SME's Bronze Level LECP Exam fee.

Open-Session NO Exam - This option includes participants from multiple companies. Total cost per participant is $1,845 which includes training manual and required books.


Open-Session ADD-ON Kaizen - Each participating company qualifies for an optional on-site, company-exclusive 2-day Kaizen event (improvement project) at the discounted rate of $3,000 (regularly $4,000).


Company Exclusive - This option requires 10 or more participants from the same company and qualifies for a complimentary 2-day, on-site company-exclusive Kaizen event (improvement project); a $4,000 value. Cost per participant is $2,145. NO-Exam cost per participant is $1,845.


 If attending virtually, please provide the shipping address for course materials. 


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